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The rally itself will be held in Ernest R. Lasher Jr. Memorial Park in Germantown on Sunday April 22nd at noon, but ALL PARKING IS AT PALATINE PARK in Germantown. Shuttle bus will be provided. Lasher Park is too small to accomodate parking for this event, and Anchorage Rd will be closed.
Where is Palatine Park?
Palatine Park is on Palatine Park Rd., which is about a quarter mile north of the intersection of Main St. and 9G in Germantown. From 9G, drive east on Palatine Park Rd. a few hundred yards to park for the shuttle bus near the Kellner Activities building. Overflow parking, if necessary, is in nearby Germantown Central School.
What About Bathrooms?
There are no facilities at Lasher Park. Please use the restroom at Palatine Park before taking the shuttle bus.
What about boaters?
We’re going to do our best to accomodate boaters during the rally. We encourage boaters to use alternate launch sites on April 22nd.
What about Anchorage Rd.?
We anticipate that the foot of Anchorage Rd., from Lasher Park up to the top of the hill, will be closed to all non-resident traffic from approximately 11:30 until 2:30.