Balancing Passenger Rail Safety with Public River Access

Scenic Hudson, the Town of Germantown and the Town of Rhinebeck are sponsoring an event to address the Amtrak gates and fences issue. The purpose of this event is for you to learn about Amtrak’s proposal for new fencing and locked gates at crossings along the Empire Corridor South between Rensselaer and Poughkeepsie. This project would eliminate public access to the Hudson River at places where people have launched boats, fished and hunted for generations. We look forward to sharing with you 21st Century approaches that better balance railroad safety with public access.

9:30am to Noon, Dec 15, 2018 (Formal program 10am to noon)
Kellner Community Activities Center
50 Palatine Park Road, Germantown, NY
Followed by a site visit to lower Main St.

If you have not already RSVP’d, please do so. We would like to have an idea as to how many people we should expect. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nikki Chung by email at  or 845.473.4440 x219.

Below is the flyer for the event.